From Nursery to Class IX and XI only on the basis of test/ interview and availability of seats.
1. Applications for admission should be made on the printed form attached at the end of this Prospectus.
2. No admission will be considered until all the requirements are fully met.
3. Parents / Guardians must give an undertaking in writing that they will abide by the rules and regulations of the School, as stipulated from time to time.
4. The Principal does not bind himself or herself to furnish any reason for rejecting any application.

5. The following certificates must be attached to the application for admission :
- Evidence of date of birthday/Birth Certificate
- Last Progress Report from the previous school, if any
- Medical Certificate signed by a Registered Doctor, specifically the Blood Report.
6. A transfer Certificate from a recognized School will be required when admission is granted for Class IX and XI.
7. If a student has come from a different State, the Transfer Certificate must be countersigned by the appropriate Inspector of School Concerned.
8. Admission will only be confirmed on payment of Admission Fees.
9. AGE LIMITS - The normal age groups for admission to the various classes are as follows :
- Nursery 3+
- LKG 4+
- UKG 5+